Hugo von Hofmannsthal




Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s “Jedermann oder das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen Mannes” is rooted in the tradition of medieval mystery plays. Hofmannsthal’s morality play tells an almost universal story: God sends Death to fetch the wealthy bon vivant JEDERMANN. However, in his darkest hour, JEDERMANN is abandoned by his friends, wealth, and lover. Facing death, JEDERMANN regrets his dissolute life far from God and repents. With his faith and good deeds, he dares to stand before the divine judge.


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Direction: Carola Unser-Leichtweiß
Stage: Stefani Klie
Costume: Jörn Fröhlich, Cansu Incesu
Choreography: Sophia Guttenhöfer
Musical shipment: Christian Keul
Dramaturgy: Christin Ihle