Goals and benefits

Through their presence in the theatre the members of the Circle of theatre friends want to give a visible sign that YOUR THEATRE is indispensable for the people of this region.

Your benefits as a member of the Circle of theatre friends:

• Exclusive performance schedule presentation

You know before anyone else what is being played and get lots of news about the next season.

• Rehearsal visits

You will look behind the scenes and experience the creation of a performance.

• TheaterTalk

You will receive a lot of first-hand information and get to know new artists and other employees of the theatre personally.

• Theatre trips

Together with other theatre enthusiasts, you will visit other theatres and experience Germany's exciting and diverse theatre landscape: a special cultural heritage that is unique in this form in the world.

• Presentation of the Festival Prize at KUSS

They support the children's and youth theatre festival KUSS, which is important for Hesse and far beyond the state borders, by offering the festival prize of 2000 euros for the best production.

Wir sind Mitglied in der Bundesvereinigung deutscher Musik- und Theaterfördergesellschaften e. V.: www.muthea.de.


Jürgen Bandte
1. Vorsitzender
Telefon: 06424. 92 31 21
E-Mail: jrbandte@gmx.de

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